The past few weeks in the news- links for all!!

Dear Class,

Every time I open my computer I see another article that speaks directly to the issues we are exploring as a class and to your specific projects.  Below are some links to those that I’ve flagged over the past few weeks.   It is important that our class discussions and your group projects are aware/critical of, and in conversation with, how these issues are portrayed and debated in popular media.  Please investigate!

Some national perspective and activity around the rental crisis and the related issue of jobs/wages in cities

Interactive maps of 25 years of gentrification in NYC

20 ways not to be a gentrifier (according to this author)

Some insight into the public housing situation in East Harlem

DeBlasio’s official re-zoning plan

and his efforts to support residents threatened by landlord harassment and illegal evictions, which are anticipated in rezoned neighborhoods

City Council Speaker and East Harlem Councilwoman Melissa Mark-Viverito on the defensive in response to criticism of the new housing and rezoning plans

Some insight into DeBlasio’s relationships with developers

….DeBlasio’s 3 new appointments to the Rent Guidelines Board.

A recent report from the RGB on the costs of operating and maintaining rental housing

An official introduction to the Rent Guidelines Board and Rent Regulation System

The Rent Regulation system from a tenants perspective

How the Bay Area, D.C., and NYC are “dancing with rent control”

What happens when rent-regulated buildings are converted into condos

The difference between condos and coops in NYC

And Sam Stein’s take on Why Affordable Housing Remains a Struggle






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