Demographics by Race

Screenshot 2015-05-12 22.50.53
2000 Census data


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2010 Census data




There are several points to be made about the information presented in the census data of races from the years 2000-2010. From 2000-2010 the White population has decreased in its percentage of the population, however the numerical value of the population has increased (this trend also applies to the Black population). The Asian population has seen a significant increase in its presence in the community, almost doubling its numerical value and having a 64% increase in its percentage of the population. The data shows a gradual equalization of races found in the community.




Demographics by Age

Year 2000
Age Percentage of Population Group
0-24 16.4% Youth
25-44 47.7% Younger Working Class
45-64 22.9% Older Working Class
65+ 13.0% Retirees


Year 2010
Age Percentage of Population Group
0-24 15.5% Youth
25-44 45.3% Younger Working Class
45-64 25.9% Older Working Class
65+ 13.3% Retirees


There are several points to made about the census data of ages from the years 2000-2010. In categorizing the ages into four groups (youth, younger working class, older working class, retirees) there is a definite trend occurring in the neighborhood. There is slight decrease in the age groups of the youth and the younger working class, resulting from the slight increase in the age groups of the older working class and the retirees. Due to the increase in rent, the neighborhood has started to push out the younger age groups as they tend to be unable to afford the increased costs of living. Additionally, the various cultural centers found in the community have a larger appeal to the elderly compared to its appeal to the younger people. For reasons like these Columbus Circle has started to categorize itself as a community for the elderly.