
The exhibition at the NY Historical Society, spanned from September 2014 – April 2015,  explored the past, present, and ongoing trade and immigrant relations between the China and United States. Some of the featured exhibitions include the Voyage of the “Empress of China,” the Immigration Act of 1882, the Chinese American activists who tried to repeal the Exclusion Act and much more.


“The story of a Chinese American getting killed as an American soldier gave me nausea. It disgusted me so much in that the very people whom the government excluded were used as meat shield (for he was drafted), and not much of the racism is solved even to this day. I know that there are plenty of people here in the States who do not give a damn about racism that the ‘yellows’ experience, but we really need to question our civility. ‘What does it mean to be American?’ The Angel Island responded with the books: ‘How the Chinese Women are Infusing a Poison into the Anglo Saxon Blood’ and ‘Chinese immigration and the Physiological Causes of the Decay of a Nation.’ ” – Lucius Seo