How I feel about New York City? After living in New York for a long time, I began to develop a special affinity for the place I call my second home. Because New York is large and diverse, there are a lot of things I dislike about it, and many more that I like. Nevertheless, I feel a special connection with this place and view it as an important part of me, and my personal growth. Although, it is hard to specifically point out what I like about New York City, there are at least 49 memories that I hold close to my heart, and always relate to New York.

I like adventure, and exploration. Therefore, here is a mini-platformer game that I created (I used a program called FlowLab).

Objective: Jump and Reach until the end of the stage, while exploring some of the famous places of New York.

Controls: Use left and right control buttons to move, and up to jump.

Rules: Any type of platform (block with grass, spikes, water, etc) other than the normal type of block that you stand on in the beginning of the game is considered a “fall”. If you fall, the game is over. To restart, refresh the page.

Additional info:

-I made the game easy to avoid “the Flappy Bird” effect. If you want to experience a game with higher difficulty, there is a way to edit the game to make it harder (remove certain blocks, add more obstacles, etc). Plus, the obstacles and “pitfalls” have a lag – if you stand on the corner of a pitfall, you will most likely not fall.

-If you find the current version of the game impossible to beat, but still want to see how it ends, just fall down. Once “incapacitated” the game will turn into a slideshow, where you can press right/left buttons to watch it until the end.

-The game is not perfect. Please note that the game was constructed so that it takes the player no more than a few minutes to complete (and the person who makes it, a few hours to finish). Also, the program has a few limitations, that prevent certain things – like adding more pictures of locations (I wanted to add Ground Zero, Brooklyn Prospect Park, Federal Reserve Bank, etc), or adding animations to the sprite of our hero.

I hope you have fun exploring New York,

                                   and enjoy playing my little work.

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