Is New York my city? At first glance, this appears an easy question for me to answer, however, I know there is more to it than what I see at first glance, just as there is more to New York than is portrayed to outsiders. Initially I think, no, this isn’t my city. I’m not from New York; I haven’t even spent an entire year here. But then again, I’ve lived in Philadelphia for 5 years and it isn’t my city either, so maybe time doesn’t matter.

My quick response is that St. Louis is my city. It’s where I grew up, it’s where I want to return and spend as much time as I can. But, is St. Louis really my city anymore? Since the time I moved away, St. Louis has changed quite a bit, it is no longer the city I remember. Part of that change is the fact I was a kid when I lived there and saw things differently than I do now, but the city itself has changed. It has taken me time to admit it, but my city no longer exists. It hurt to see my city so divided during the Ferguson Riots, but it forced me to realize this was not the city I remembered.

So, maybe New York is the closest thing I have to “My City”. After all, I don’t miss being in Philadelphia. I haven’t been back there since Christmas break, and am not anxious to return. Maybe that’s because Philadelphia isn’t my city, but I think it’s more due to the fact New York is making sure I don’t want to leave. I’ve explored the city, not as much as I’d like, but hopefully I have three more years to accomplish that. I’ve really fallen in love with Manhattan, and I guess that really answers the question. I guess, I can’t deny New York is my city when I don’t even want to leave.

New York is so unique from other cities because it has such a special culture. The people of New York are from all over the world, which can lead to issues that we have discussed, but it also leads to a distinct mix of ideas and shared experiences. We saw New York come together for the widespread cases of Police brutality, even before the Eric Garner case occurred in New York. This city provides an opportunity to experience things from all over our country and even the world. We saw this with our visit to the “Respond” exhibit, which had a scope that went well beyond New York. It is New York’s culture and influence through the rest of the world that makes this city so unique.

While this class has taught me plenty about the history of New York, it has been the discussions of the conflict and coexistence that persists through the city that make me love this city. It is amazing that New York has survived for so long as one of the most influential cities in the world considering all the different groups of people that live here. We have seen all the conflicts that come with this diversity, but we have also seen that these people can live together. I think what is so special about New York is that it can be anyone’s city no matter their race or socioeconomic background. New York can be whatever you make it and I have made New York my city.



What is New York to Me?


What is New York to me?

I’m not from here,

I’ll leave for the summer

And be just fine.


But when I am here,

I don’t want to be anywhere else.

If that is the test,

Then New York is my city.


And I do believe that is the test.

So, what is New York to me?

It is where I have freedom,

It is my city.