It Was a Pain, but Worth It

I have to say that I learned a lot in this course.  I never enjoyed writing, but most of the assignments were writing assignments.  Therefore, I did not enjoy doing these assignments to be honest.  On one hand, the interview project and the statistical profile assignments were frustrating, especially for the statistical profile project for which we had to incorporate data from the U.S. Census Bureau and a publication called The Newest New Yorkers.  I was assigned to complete a statistical profile of Mexican immigrants in New York City, so I had to find the most updated data.  This was not a fun experience because I waited to do it the night before the assignment was due.  This class taught me not to do the work until the last minute.  It was really a pain.

I loved the interview project, although my 35-minute interview took me hours to transcribe word for word.  It ended up to be a useful experience, because I did not have an in-depth interview with someone like that before.  And I found out that I love to dig people’s hidden secrets or stories.  Overall, I really think these assignments and class discussions brought our learning experiences of the immigrants in New York City to the next level.

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