Two Dollars an Hour

Joe immigrated to the United States from Malaysia when he was 21 years old and has been living in New York City for over 30 years.  When he first started working in New York City, he made two dollars an hour:

[I worked] as a baker.  My cousin helped me find a job because he was a baker, too, making, I believe, less than two dollars an hour at that time.  I don’t remember exactly.  But it was pretty… the buying power for two dollars over there is better than $7.25 now.  I can tell you that.”

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Voting for the Right Goverment and a Better Economy

Joe immigrated to the United States from Malaysia when he was 21 years old and has been living in New York City for over 30 years.  He commented on what issues drive him to vote:

I pay attention to political agendas and all that.  I have preference for certain political parties.  I do listen to the news and everything.  What I care about is the general health of the economy so maybe if I vote, the right people they will do us, the economy, good.”

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A Short Term Adventure

Joe immigrated to the United States from Malaysia when he was 21 years old and has been living in New York City for over 30 years.  For him, immigration was a chance for adventure:

[Leaving the country] was like an exciting trip and it was just like traveling for me at the beginning.  I didn’t think of anything, you know, anything more than that.  So, I’m an adventurous person.  I just came with a couple of underwears, a couple of  T-shirts, and not even that many pairs of pants.  A couple of hundred dollars in my pocket and then I came.  Didn’t even have a toothbrush.”

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