Welcome! This website serves as a compilation of our projects throughout the Spring 2016 semester in our section of People of NYC, Macaulay Seminar 2. From explorations of historical sites in NYC, to students’ involvement in the city this semester, to personal and family histories, this website explores it all. Delve inside the lives of Professor Drabik’s students — Discover the colors and chaos of their experiences in New York City!

Pictured here are the students of the Conflict and Coexistence class. To see their personal reflections on the class, visit the About the Authors page.

Website Contents

Gallery: Private Objects, Public Stories

Objects often serve as an extension of people. Things can represent who individuals are, what they like, or what they believe in. For Project One, we each selected an item that is important to us, representing ourselves and our cultures, reflecting our personality or family history. Through these miscellaneous objects, we demonstrate how physical objects can reveal the intangible.

Map: Historical Sites, Then and Now

For Project Two, we split into groups and each explored, through space and time, a historical site of our choosing. The results of our journey are displayed in this category. We compiled together our collective knowledge of the sites along with photographs of their past and present. This category will give you an understanding of these sites with links to the people they are associated with.

Gallery: Who’s Who of New York History

For this section of our website, we explored the people associated with our historical sites that we researched for Project 2. These people range from writers to businessmen, but they all play a part in New York’s History.