


Watch this video to learn what invertebrates are, footage of some we found, and how we are contributing to the New York is Wild! Project.

Who are we?

We are the Golden Niche, a MCHC Seminar 3 group that is exploring the invertebrate biodiversity of New York. Feel free to look at the photos and videos we took, as well as our research paper and blog, by clicking the sections in the upper right corner,

What did we do?

We went to various parks in New York City and searched for any invertebrates we could find as part of the New York is Wild! project on iNaturalist.org. When we were successful, we took pictures of the invertebrates and tried to identify them. When our own limited knowledge failed, we turned to crowd-sourcing using the iNaturalist website. Other citizen scientists and enthusiasts helped us to identify our invertebrates.