I went hiking with some of my relatives and my classmates this morning! It was one of my classmate’s first time hiking, so that was a unique experience for her. While this trip wasn’t as long (only two hours or so), it had some difficulty because of the many narrow stairs and the path was a lot steeper. Still, it was quite refreshing and tiring to do so in the morning.

Afterwards, we went to have dim sum at Kowloon Bay. I would say it was my classmates’ first time having a really good dim sum meal as well as to better understand Hong Kong culture (and I had a chance to learn from my relatives too!).

Since we were at Kowloon Bay, we decided to go to the Megabox (a huge mall) to help my classmate buy a pan. After about 10-20 minutes, we wound up not buying one, but at least we knew there was an area that we could buy a lot more variety of stuff (and probably for a more reasonable price) than Festival Walk.

By the time we finished walking around Megabox, my friends and I had to go our separate ways. I went to Tai Wai (大圍) to have barbeque at another friend’s place. We wound up having barbeque until around 11. The amount of food was quite overwhelming, but we somehow managed to finish it all… The view there was really amazing; it was really nice to get a chance to see some stars at night, and the sunset was something to behold.