Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC Prof. Maciuika, Spring 2014

Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of NYC

Basically, a podcast is a series of audio recordings that are broadcast on the web. After recording an episode and exporting it to your hard drive as an mp3 or m4a file, you can then upload it on to the class blog or your own blog using podpress.

Here are some general instructions I found on using garageband from Apple.

You can record directly into Garageband using the microphone in your laptop.  When you open Garagband, click on “podcast” to open a new project.  Record your audio and add any music or effects you want.  Play it back and make sure you are satisfied with it.  Then click “Share”, “Export Podcast to Disc” and choose where you want to save your podcast.

Uploading your Podcast:

If you are uploading your podcast to the class website, podpress (the app that enables you to upload podcasts) is already installed.  All you have to do is start a new post.  Put any text you want to introduce your podcast.  Then click the ‘insert media’ button (the one that looks like a tiny sun at the top of the text box.)  It will ask you to choose a file.  Choose your podcast.  It will be uploaded to the media library for our class blog.  Once its been uploaded, you will see a URL.  Copy this URL and click “Save all changes”.

Now scroll down to the bottom of the page underneath your post until you come to the section called PodPress.  Click the “add media file” button and paste the URL for your podcast into the box titled “location”.  Click Update at the top of the page and check the site to make sure your post loaded correctly.

If you are uploading your podcast to your own eporfolio, you will have to activate the Podpress plug-in first.  Go to “Plug-ins” in your dashboard.  Scroll down to “Podpress” and click “activate.  Now when you make a new post you can scroll down to the bottom to find PodPress and add audio recordings.

Content originally posted by Maggie Dickinson. Read original post.

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