
There’s a lot to do at Smokey Oval Park, or rather, Scooter Park. This park is a fully equipped one. It includes slides, a jungle gym, benches, swings, basketball courts and of course, a huge acre of land that was once a brand new baseball field. Knowing this, one can easily conclude the large variety of different aged kids that go there daily. This is because of the jungle gym and basketball courts that accomplish such diversity. Also, not only is there a large age group but range of various races as well. They are mostly Latinos, African Americans, and Indians. This park is also a central point for the entire community. Many times, there are public social gatherings and neighborhood political organizations.[1] These events allow families to meet their neighbors and have a sense of intimacy with surrounding residents. Scooter Park is very competent in providing a generally good time with all the space it has. Aside from the utilities it has, this park provides a gathering of the community. Children of the same age would be at the jungle gym or swings. The older kids would be playing basketball or maybe an official baseball/softball game for a neighborhood league. Even adults would be using the park’s huge field to play informal cricket games.

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