
Prezi is an online presentation tool that allows you to create interesting and interactive presentations. Prezi is great for this course because it also allows you to embed your presentations on our website, as well. For more information and some excellent tutorials go to the Prezi website. If you want to get a bit more fancy, here is a post on how to incorporate audio in your Prezi.

Here is a sample presentation.

Finally, follow the steps below to embed your Prezi in a post:

  1. In Prezi, click on the Share button
  2. Copy the URL that appears in the box
  3. Create a new Post
  4. Write the following in your post:
    open square bracket Prezi id= open quotation mark then paste in the URL you copied from your Prezi follow the URL with a closed quotation mark and a closed square bracked
  5. Publish your post and view your Prezi

Below is a pretty great Prezi created by the Prezi Team that gives good tips on how to organize your ideas and create excellent presentations. It’s worth a look.

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