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Flow: Life in Fast Forward

I am wholly irritated by iMovie, which lost my project twice… so I may have left out a few of my original ideas…..

That being said, please try to enjoy my boring lovely movie~~

Allison – Flow

Special thanks to my dad for a clip, and to my friend who drew that OH MY GOD amazing digital painting and was gracious enough to let me use it.


1 cbao { 12.16.08 at 9:22 pm }

Super cool video. Great music too.

2 Walter Zielkowski { 12.16.08 at 9:43 pm }

You’re right, that digital picture is truly amazing.

3 dianeeex3 { 12.16.08 at 10:41 pm }


4 taeminkim { 12.16.08 at 11:19 pm }

Is that Miyavi? =) I <3 him too!, no homo

5 calvinwong { 12.16.08 at 11:32 pm }

I really like all the special effects used. That picture is amazing too.

6 joycet { 12.16.08 at 11:39 pm }

THIS IS AMAZING! i loveee the music, and gosh, the digital picture is BREATH-TAKING!!!

7 nancywong { 12.16.08 at 11:44 pm }

THAT WAS FAR FROM BORING! Like what everyone else said the video was AMAZING!!!! I loved everything about it the keyboards, the spinning clown, that building, and the digital picture was really WOW!

8 leliaxtan { 12.16.08 at 11:50 pm }

oh Allison, must you always make everyone look bad? Haha.

Your video is such an inspiration! Don’t watch mine.

9 coreytrippiedi { 12.17.08 at 12:03 am }

I look at all of these comments and see a recurring word….”amazing.” I won’t tell you your video is amazing, no. I’ll instead tell you that your video is remarkable. Innovative. Creative. Astounding. Inspirational.

I’d never be able to put together something as great as this. Great job.

10 katherinepark90 { 12.17.08 at 1:16 am }

That was amazing! I love the effects you used. It was not boring at all!

11 jennieliu { 12.17.08 at 12:53 pm }

your video is SO artsy (& fascinating!).

You’re really good at these creative arts projects & I can’t even begin to understand how you made this crazy movie. ;]

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