Visual Sources
Photographs and Illustrations
This project, as you know, requires that you upload images to your post. But where are you going to get theses images? You have two options.
- You can use images that you have created yourself (photographs, drawings, paintings, etc.); or
- You can used images that someone else has created. However, if you go this route you will need to abide by fair use norms. Not all images online are free for you to use. Many are under copyright. Fortunately, there are some good options for getting free, legal images.
- Pixabay is a site with over 260,000 photos and illustrations–“a repository for stunning public domain pictures”
- Google Advanced Image Search–make sure to scroll to the bottom of the screen and click “free to use and share” under Usage Rights
- “Flickr has tons of photos, but there are not all in the public domain. Search for pics under “Creative Commons only.”
- New York Public Library Digital Gallery–tons of wonderful, historical photographs of New York City
How to embed photos
I think you all already know how to embed photographs, but for this project design is paramount. You will want to attend to the size of the photograph and where it is situated. You can do both of these though your ability to situate an image is fairly limited.
- After adding Media, hover your cursor over the image.
- You will see something that looks like this.
- Click on the pencil and you can resize the image, you can rotate it, and you can decide whether to place it right, left or center.
You can also include maps in your post if you like. There are a few options that you can use online. Google is probably your best bet. You can log on to your google account. Then follow the directions below (#1-4 is copied from a google site).
Make a new map
- Sign in to Google Maps using the Sign in button in the top right corner of the map.
- Make sure the search box is empty then click inside it.
- Click My Maps.
- Click the Create
- After you have made your map, you will want to embed it on your site. Let’s do that now.
Another option is to use Google Fusion tables. This is a bit more time consuming. The result is something like this.
Word Clouds
A word cloud turns words into art. There are number of word cloud services out there. This article describes a bunch. I used Word it Out to create the following. It doesn’t look like much. You can do much better.
It’s fairly easy to embed videos (e.g., from, but it’s rather difficult to resize the videos. So, for this project videos will be tricky. If you want to embed a youtube video in your post (embed means that the video appears right in your post rather than the URL), you can go to youtube. Click, “Share.” Copy the URL. Then paste that in your post like this:
Don’t forget to cite your sources. If you are drawing on someone else’s art, they deserve credit and Baruch College policy compels you to do so.
My References
Many of the ideas in this post have their beginnings in some of ITF Jenny Kijoski’s posts. Thanks, Jenny