MHC Seminar 3, Professor Maya Weltman-Fahs, City College

Category: Research Question Ideas

Research Question Ideas

1.What is the effect of changing a bluegill sunfish’s environment on its coloration?

2. What are the long term effects of consumption of genetically modified organisms (GMOs)?

3. What are the effects of probiotics on a child’s growth?



Proposed Research Questions

  1. What kind of bait works best to catch New York City fish? (worms, corn, garbage, etc.)
  2. Do CCNY students want the Marshak pool to be open?  How many would actually use it if it were open?
  3. Do patrons of New York City zoos feel that they do a good job of educating people about conservation?

Potential Research Ideas

  1. How does the amount of sleep a college student receive affect their performance in school?
  2. How does the location (disturbed vs. not disturbed) affect herb distribution and herb type?
  3. Has  recent climate changes affected the type of plants located in NYC parks?

Research Question Ideas

  1. Does socioeconomic status play an important role in  voter turnout in during 2017 NYC primary mayoral election?
  2.  Does eating breakfast in the morning affect a student’s attentiveness in class?
  3. Does the new common core curriculum help middle and high school students learn more and perform better on international standard testing?

Potential Research Questions

  1. What is the effect of the invasive species of the Norway Maple on the populations of natural herb species?
  2. What is the effect that human settlement has had on the native species of sandplain gerardia in the Greater New York City Area?
  3. Which species of trees is the most effective at indicating the history of the surrounding area?

Research topic ideas

The Effect of Activated Charcoal on the Appearance of Teeth.

Does the consumption of nuts and dates affect energy levels throughout the day? (Based on an article that suggested eating nuts and dates will  and my dad’s recommendations)

The Effects of Tea Tree Oil on the Appearance of Skin.