MHC Seminar 3, Professor Maya Weltman-Fahs, City College

Category: Video Project Outline

Video Proposal

Name: Zainab Baig

           Rebecca Regine

           Viktoriya Markova

            Katie Johnson

Assignment: Video Proposal


Introduction Scene: Introduce background information and the problem that we are going to be concentrating on. As we show the college, including all the building and then pan down to show a time lapse of all the students walking through campus. This will show the population in our research, as well as, the setting in which the research is going to be conducted.


Methods Scene: Display the survey and how we constructed it, including the reasons we included certain questions and omitted others. This survey explanation will be done through screen recording. We will show the different locations on campus where we asked students to take our survey. If possible, we would considering including a scene in which the audience is able to see an actual student taking the survey.


Data and Analysis/Conclusion  Scene: The data will displayed in a presentation format, shuffling through all the results with graphs to supplement. The members of the group will include voiceovers in order to discuss the results and what is being presented.


Credits Scene: Brief review of all the participants involved. A “thank you for watching our video” closing including all of the group members.


Music: All the scenes will include background music, something that will not distract from the presentation of the information. All the voiceovers will be done indoors and there will not be scenes that will include environmental sound.


Video Project Outline – Tayba, Emilia, and Katlyn

by Tayba Aziz, Emilia Decaudin, and Katlyn Palmatier

  1. Titles
    • “Voter Turnout in NYC” By Katlyn Palmatier, Tayba Aziz, and Emilia Decaudin
    • Quick shots of people walking the City.
  2. Introduction and Background
    • Primary vs General Election
      • Split screen.
      • One side for primary and one for general. Voiceover explains the difference and key points appear on screen as spoken.
    • Who can vote?
      • Voiceover explanation of who can vote.
      • Video of polling site.
  3. Interviews with Voters
    • Why is voting important to you?
    • Did you vote in the 2016 general election?
    • Did you vote in the 2017 Democratic primary?
    • Did the results of the 2016 general election affect your decision to vote in 2017 Democratic primary?
  4. Presentation of Voter Turnout Data
    • Visual representation the form of charts.
    • Voiceover explaining data.
  5. Analysis of Voter Turnout Data
    • Visual comparisons of turnout in each borough.
    • Voiceover explaining data.
  6. Conclusion
    • Information on how to register to vote.
    • Reminder that voting can have an important impact on the local and national levels.
  7. Credits

Video Project Outline

Video Project Outline    

Zainab Baig

Rebecca Regine

Viktoriya Markova

Katie Johnson



Bad study habits from high school can be carried over into college, where the workload is far more intense than it was before. This leads college students to become sleep deprived in an effort to compact this increasing workload from college. In our study, we will be testing to see if study habits that affect sleep levels affect the test scores of City College students. We will go around City College in the different buildings to reach a variety of students to ask about their study habits and test scores using a Google Forms survey that we created. We will then be able to use this data to either support or discredit our claim that better sleep habits result in better academic performance. We plan to use clips of the CCNY campus and students entering the buildings with a voiceover to introduce our topic.


What data were collected?


A Google Forms survey was created to ultimately find out the test scores and study habits of City College students. The study habits that we are concentrating on are: the spacing effect vs. cramming the night before. In our video, we want to include a screen recording of individuals taking our survey.


How were they collected?


Students in various buildings of City College were asked to take our survey and the data they input was the data used in our study. We also posted our survey onto the CCNY Book Market Page for any City College student to take. Random participants are also going to have their responses recorded during a screen recording as they take the survey. We may also choose to include a clip of us recruiting a subject.


What do they show?


Studies have shown better sleep quality leads the achievement of academic goals. We hope to prove this with our collected data as well. We will include the screen recordings of the participants taking the survey as well as graphs that show the correlation between test scores and the different study habits.


Why does it matter?

College students should know what study techniques work. It assists every students in being able to make an educated decision on how they choose to study for their exams in the future. This will ultimately lead to better potential academic success all around. To show this we may stage a clip of individuals taking an exam with a voiceover explaining the importance of our study.


Video proposal

Ann, Manuel, Samah

The video will take a humorous, engaging approach in conveying the information and statistics collected in the form of an infomercial. It will begin with students voicing their issues with the SAT exam and transition into the representatives of the tutoring agency posing the statistics.

Video Outline

What data was collected:

-Is there correlation between the old and new SAT and household income?

How it was collected:

-We conducted a survey comprised of 4 questions:

  • Household Income?
  • Have you taken both the Old and New SAT?
  • How did you score on the Old SAT?
  • How did you score on the New SAT?

-We sent our survey through Google Forms to students in CHiMP and freshman in the CCNY Honors Facebook Group.  

-We received 97 responses.

-We will analyze our data using ANOVA, linear regressions and graphically represent our data with a scatter plot and a histogram.  


What it shows:

-One of the purposes of the new SAT was to accommodate to socioeconomic diversity.  If our data shows a lesser correlation between income and scores on the new SAT, it will show that the new SAT achieves a higher degree of equity than the old SAT.  


Why it matters:

-While some are able to pay for private tutoring and other forms of preparation instruments/tools for the SAT, others may not have the same means.  By accommodating to a group of people of various socioeconomic statuses, the SAT will be a more accurate determinant for success of students who wish to pursue higher education.  



Setting: CCNY, NAC building, through various hallways

-We will conduct interviews with various students who have taken the old and/or new SAT

-We will show the figures and data collected from our survey

Possibly make the video into an infomerical/commercial for an SAT prep center?


Video Project Outline

Group Members: Leslie Epps, Raymund Rodriguez, Reid Vero, and Nicole Budzinski

Video Outline:

The basis of our video will be the experimental process itself.

  1. Explain some basic background information revolving around the topic of plants and plant growth. (1 minute)
  2. Talk the audience through the materials we used for the experiment and the following methodology. We will include pictures or video clips of the materials, as well as the setup for the plants and their groups. (1-2 minutes)
  3. Discuss our results. We will include screenshots of our data and will provide explanations for what they mean or suggest. (2-3 minutes)
  4. Concluding statements or remarks, especially on why this experiment is important. (1 minute)