Dyckman Street

The incline of the adjacent Inwood Park makes the trees seem taller than the highest building. I have never been up so far on the island. Perhaps since it was closer to 5:00 PM at this point, many more people could be found on the streets than at our previous stop. Couples and friends strutted in heeled boots; a woman carried a set of number balloons either for a 22nd or 55th birthday. Bass-heavy music emerged from many dark bars and restaurants. There was such a stark contrast in the different community niches in Inwood; there were hipster coffee shops right next to bodegas that had been there for years. Though parts of Inwood are being gentrified, there is still an interesting mesh of the different cultures and types of people, all coexisting on a Sunday evening. The intersection at Dyckman reflected how New Yorkers like to spend their Sunday, calm but not quiet, and certainly not alone.

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