Killers of the Studio

Posted on Monday, May 13th, 2013 at 1:05 pm


By that I mean it’s Finals Weeks- not week, weeks. Simply because I don’t have too many tests but I do have projects

As such, art has been slow- and summer isn’t exactly going to be lazing around. I have classes and I’ve schedules myself to learn a lot of things in the absence of an internship. I’m making my plate as full as possible.

I have been at least blessed in one way: MY favorite band is FINALLY releasing an album in June and I couldn’t be happier

The Studio Killers are an animated band, in the same vain as the famed Gorillaz. A use of 2d and 3d animation used around a colorful cast of characters, the singer being Cherry, and her bandmates Goldie Foxx and Dyna Mink. If you can imagine the success of the Gorillaz, then you can gage why I am so excited for this new band as well.

Their first hit was Ode to The Bouncer, which caught everyone’s attention with it’s catchy lyrics and trippy music video:


Me being who I am, there are a lot of things that I enjoy: kooky character design, animation, catchy music and obvious band themes, all of which was possessed by the Studio Killers.

They just recently came out with their new single, Jenny, which of course I had to a picture for:



If I had to set super specific goals for myself, one of them would be to one day animate a music video or music videos. Honestly, if I could WORK for the Studio Killers team, I might cry. Their music has been mymain creative drive as of late, what with all of this finals nonsense bogging my spirits down.

Expect more of them in the future as the singles seep in.

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