It’s REALLY Been Awhile

Posted on Wednesday, November 6th, 2013 at 11:05 pm

But thats ok, because blogging doesn’t have a time frame I suppose!

I spent the summer time doing a class and taking it easy, with a hefty amount of drawing in between! And I’m halfway through the fall semester now.

I would show you some new art work if I had anything beyond doodles, but alas I’m on a brief hiatus until I finish up my projects. In fact, I’m on hiatus from practically all social media, you know, because I can use a break from the constant ebb and flow of text posts and status updates.

I don’t put this on the same level as a Tumblr or a Twitter though, so

I also declared my major finally! I’m right on track. AND I just got my pegbar and light box, so hopefully I will get to start teaching myself 2d animation soon. I am very excited about this

Thats all for now I guess- I wil update with more art when I have the time to do some decent work!

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