Reproducing Injustice

The Walmart growth coalition consists of Walmart the corporation who wants more market share, the government such as Michelle Obama and Michael Bloomberg who support Walmart, and the workers who are pro growth. Walmart’s practices contribute to the over use of natural resources that negatively impact the environment. Additionally, Walmart continuously seeks expansion as seen through their move into the urban sector which is an attempt to keep the treadmill running. Walmart has designated the same solution to their problems as outlined by the treadmill- economic growth.

Walmart is doing what is best for their bottom line, not for society. Their green initiative serves as a distraction from their other unjust business practices. Since food justice incorporates a social justice framework, it looks at not only what is being sold but where it came from and how its being produced. Walmart does not comply with these standard that have been outlined as food justice criteria and they are not aiding in transforming our food system- just perpetuating its existing problems.