
Bioswales are an innovated way for Brooklyn College to use green space to its potential and will be implemented in different areas of Brooklyn College, between the West Quad building and tennis courts, around the athletic field, and also in small areas around the parking lot between the athletic field and garden. There are many purposes of the bioswales; to decrease the amount of runoff, to decrease the amount of pollutants going into the sewage systems, and to beautify the campus.  The bioswales near the tennis courts are important because there is a great amount of water that runs off he West End Building and this can potentially cause flooding near the tennis courts. The bioswales will have different components at different levels of the swales and each level will aid in absorbing water so that it does not flood into the tennis courts. Different plants will be placed at different depths of the bioswale and they will be planted according to how much water their roots can absorb and how well they can survive in those depths. The bioswales will run an approximate length of 39 feet from near Roosevelt to the West End Building.

Bioswales will also be placed around the athletic field and in the parking lot. This will decrease the amount of rain running through the field and around the parking lot. These bioswales will also be used to beautify the campus and are beneficial because of its low cost and maintenance. However, it is important to recognize that proper plants and landscape must be chosen to reduce maintenance and the potential of mosquitoes and fungus to grow in these bioswales. Proper soil must be chosen for the bioswales near the parking lot because this bioswale also has the function of ridding pollutants along with decreasing rain water run off and beautifying the campus.


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