هل تحب أن تأخذ صورتي

December 25th, 2010

Still packing, but now having bursts of random panic attacks.

For example, this morning I was convinced I lost my passport. Last time I saw it, as I remember it, was a week or more ago. Freaking out, I could imagine having to stay behind and missing out on this whole thing…because I lost my passport. How embarrassing.
Miraculously, I found my passport within five minutes of my search. I think I panicked longer than I searched for it. Silly me.
But packing is still just as heart-wrenching. Yes, it is still the shoes. Since I went shopping today, I now have more stuff (and shoes) to choose from and no room for any of it.

Of course, my parents forced me to pack half of my suitcase with medicine, but that is not why I have no room. Nope, that is not my problem at all.

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