هل تحب أن تأخذ صورتي

January 18th, 2011

Please watch your step or that truck will run you over…Islamic Cairo Walking Tour

Posted by A K in People, Places, travel    

After we had a guided tour of Islamic Cairo with Dr. Tariq [I hope I have the spelling right], we were required to do a tour of our own according to a textbook. So me, Simmi, Bing, Carissa, Ioana and Rosie hit the narrow streets to do some exploring of our own. Since a picture is worth a thousand words (if you aren’t lazy to come up with that many words for it, that is. Otherwise it is probably worth like 100), I’ll let them do the talking. Also because I’ve done a paper with my group on this tour and I don’t feel like writing again. Yes, I am lazy.But if I were to give a general impression, it would be this: Yes, there was a lot of trash, dirt, garbage and decaying buildings. Yet I found beauty in everything I saw. It is probably true if I said that the only reason I see all this as beautiful is because I am a tourist experiencing a culture shock. In reality, the area is probably far from beautiful for the people who have to live with all the dirt, trash and mud there everyday.

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