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January 20th, 2011

Egypt, where all your sandwishes come true!

Posted by A K in Food    

I thought I should do one entry on some of the food we ate here in Egypt.

So lets start with the cheapest. For the whole month that you are staying at the Horus House (now read that name very fast… ;P) you can have the same exact exciting filling breakfast…every…single…morning. At least it’s good! Lets see now…you got your croissants, toasted bread, some weird cheese with a laughing cow on it, some other kind of cheese, hard boiled eggs (not pictured below), cucumbers and tomatoes, butter, hot water for tea or coffee and some ham. Take your pick.

For three pounds (yes, 3 pounds, believe it:P), you can get some filling koshery from Alex Top (nothing exciting about that name) around a few blocks away form our hotel. It actually tastes really good. But from what I heard, there are much better Koshery places farther away from Zamalek.Though you won’t get the wonderfully creepy men smiling at you as they hand you your food in other places. Or maybe you will. This is Egypt,after all.

Koshery, if I were to explain just what it is, is basically cut up macaroni, plus some angel-hair pasta and rice…topped with crunchy lentils? Oh and some tomato sauce. Yep, I think that sums it up.

A word about Cafe Noir. Actually two: It Sucks. Don’t get anything there besides their hazelnut hot chocolate, pictured below with deceiving smiley face…as if its trying to say it is worth the 16 pounds you’re paying for it (it’s not), and their banana smoothies, which are absolutely heavenly.

Then if you can shell out 20-something pounds, get your butt over to Hardee’s. It is close to Horus House (…say that name again to yourself if you didn’t get the joke last time). It is AMAZINGLY GOOD. A thousand times better than McDonalds or any otehr fast-food burger place. Be warned, you will go there a lot. The workers will know you. You will have to cover your afce by the endof the month to pretend you’re someone else…but you will keep coming back. Because Hardee’s is frigging tasty. Remember to try their Combo #4 – the Chicken Fillet, and ask for some American Cheese on it. :] You’re welcome. #4 is pictured below…with a bite because I couldn’t wait to try it.

Back to cheap things, because we are college students after all. Thankfully the next cheap thing is a staple of Egyptian breakfast and is common all around Cairo. The falafel sandwich…I think it is called Tamaniya [?] is so so tasty and cheap. We got the Falafel and fries combo pictured below near Khan il Khalili for 8 pounds, but there were cheaper places near the hotel that would give us five for seven pounds.

If you get the Fool and Tamaniya (yes, fool, its called Fool!), you will get the falafel sandwich and the vegetable dip-thingy that I didn’t really care for. But some people loved it.

Shabrawi’s, a restaurant near our Arabic language school, served pretty good Fool. They also served AMAZING chicken shawerma sandwiches. If you don’t go there for the food…go there just for the menu, it will make you laugh. Zoom in on this picture for all your sandwishes to come true. And order yourself some Brian while you’re at it 😛

Near Zamalek you can find Crumbs, the cupcake store. No, not the NYC Crumbs. This is a bit different. But the cupcakes will blow your mind and your wallet. They go for one per nine pounds I believe. But here is a tip: whenever you feel like you are spending too much on something, convert it to USD and that will instantly erase all traces of guilt.

If you are doing some shisha at Gould (I think that is the spelling of it), located close to the hotel, and you need something to fill their 30 pound per person requirement with…try ordering their crepes, which are delicious as well:

In case you are not satisfied with any of the above…there is always Pizza Hut, which I do not have a picture of. It will be the classiest pizza hut you will ever eat…because you’ll eat it on a ceramic plate, with a knife and fork. Now that’s classy.


  1. Post a truly wonderful .. Will return soon to read more It is really amazing

      Kiroseiz Three Corners Resort — August 31, 2011 @ 12:54 am   

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