هل تحب أن تأخذ صورتي

December 24th, 2010


Posted by A K in Uncategorized  Tagged , , , ,    

Or, as my previous packing experiences would warn me, overpacking. Staring at these piles of pants, jackets, and shoes (oh, it’s always the shoes!)…I know all of this may be just a little bit too much for a month away. But only a little bit too much. And being  a bit overpacked can’t hurt, right? Well that is what I am going to keep telling myself as my dad laughs at me. Yes, seeing me trying to pack all this STUFF into my suitcase with stubborn determination is a bit of an amusing sight.

Earlier today I discovered that my Canon 30D SLR’s autofocus is slightly broken. I refuse to admit it might be on its way to being completely broken and packing it anyway. Lets hope most of my photos will be in focus so that I can show you around Egypt!

Well, I will be leaving in a few days, so I wish everyone a merry Christmas and I’ll blog more once I am settled in Zamalek (a district of Cairo)!

1 Comment »

  1. AHHH all this packing talk is getting me excited 😀 😀 (i’m actually packing 2 pairs of shoes…kind of hoping that I’ll be able to shop there :D).


      Simmi Kaur — December 25, 2010 @ 4:36 am   

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