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January 17th, 2011

Oh na na what’s my name? Arabic Calligraphy

Posted by A K in Learning, Things    

So earlier on we had learned a bit about calligraphy. We were told we would learn to write our names in several different styles of Arabic calligraphy. On the day we were supposed to have a test, the director of the Arabic language school we go to, thankfully, shoved us all into another classroom. No test? We were overjoyed already.Each one of us was supplied with many clean papers, a little container of ink and a calligraphy pen-thingy. Many trees probably died that day, seeing as we all went crazy and doodled our lives (and names) away. The lady who was giving us the lesson and demonstrations wrote our individual names for us. Then we all began trying replicate the beautifully inked letters. Some (cough-the asians of the group-cough) were able to do this quite well. The less-artistically endowed could only manage a similar shape. But whether our name was recognizable after we wrote it or not, I’m sure all of us had a lot of  fun.

My name, written before I was shown how to properly do it.

To the left is the way the teacher did it, to the right is me trying very hard to replicate it.

Ioana, as it is written in Arabic, looks a lot like Lil G…

Bing made us envy her calligraphy-writing skills. I told you the asians were good!

Our Arabic teacher, Aya, with her name.