هل تحب أن تأخذ صورتي

December 25th, 2010

Still packing, but now having bursts of random panic attacks.

For example, this morning I was convinced I lost my passport. Last time I saw it, as I remember it, was a week or more ago. Freaking out, I could imagine having to stay behind and missing out on this whole thing…because I lost my passport. How embarrassing. Miraculously, I found my passport within five […]

December 24th, 2010


Posted by A K in Uncategorized  Tagged , , , ,    

Or, as my previous packing experiences would warn me, overpacking. Staring at these piles of pants, jackets, and shoes (oh, it’s always the shoes!)…I know all of this may be just a little bit too much for a month away. But only a little bit too much. And being  a bit overpacked can’t hurt, right? Well […]