Musings of a Stressed Premed

Macaulay work, Comments, Rants, and Reflections

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Diego Rivera- A Man with a Message He Wasn’t Paid to Send

Posted by Anna Kozlova on 28th November 2011

Looking at the images by Diego Rivera in MoMA made it obvious why he was hired to paint a mural in Rockefeller Center. His paintings teem with life and feeling, and the humanity that shines through them. Even more haunting works, such as “Frozen Assets” portray human emotion in a single image. As the wealthy […]

Posted in Reviews | 1 Comment »

Don Giovanni- What Not to do if You Don’t Enjoy Fire and Brimstone

Posted by Anna Kozlova on 28th November 2011

I was not sure what to expect walking into the Met to see “Don Giovanni.” Reading the libretto gave a good sense of the plot of the story, although I did not know what direction the show would go in. After all, the example shown to us in school involved a Don Giovanni injecting himself […]

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Will I Survive?- A Review of “I Don’t Believe in Outer Space”

Posted by Anna Kozlova on 27th November 2011

After watching “I Don’t Believe in Outer Space,” it took me a while to register what I had just seen. I did know that there were duct tape balls all over the floor, that dancers moved around haphazardly across the stage, and that the “music” jumped at the quietest moments, nearly scaring me out of […]

Posted in Reviews, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

Fluxus- Rebellion in a Glass Viewing Case

Posted by Anna Kozlova on 27th November 2011

I’ll admit that when I first heard about the Fluxus exhibit, I thought of urinals. The most prominent image in my mind was a porcelain mass displayed in front of a group if intrigued individuals, pondering its connection to the meaning of life. In the rooms and halls of the Fluxus exhibit, I did not […]

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Visiting Coney Island and the High Line

Posted by Anna Kozlova on 26th September 2011

  When I first heard about the High Line, I’ll admit that I had my doubts. A garden on top of an old railroad sounded a bit strange, and possibly dangerous. This wasn’t helped by the fact that a few entrances were closed on the day that I came to visit. I had to wander […]

Posted in Photos, Site Essay, Site Observations | 1 Comment »

“Let’s Take a Walk on the High Line”

Posted by Anna Kozlova on 26th September 2011

  “Let’s Take a Walk on the High Line” I took about 20 photographs during my observation of the High Line Park. I used a separate photo for each of the letters and shapes on the image to show all the views I was able to capture of the scenery. The background image is that […]

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