
President and CEO

President and CEO: Gabrielle L. Kurlander (Left)
Vice President: Bonny Gildin
Assistant to the President: Lisa Linnen
Vice President, Youth Programs in New York chapter: Pamela A. Lewis
Reaches 10,000 people in New York City, New Jersey, Chicago, and the San
Francisco Bay Area. (Chapters include: New York, NY, Newark, NJ, San Francisco/
Oakland, CA, Chicago, IL, Atlanta, GA.
Staff: 25 paid employees plus many volunteers of all ages and backgrounds.


Rosie Perez and Pamela A. Lewis with All Stars youth hosts and performers at The All Stars Project’s National Gala Benefit, “Out of Crisis Helping the World’s Youth to Grow.”

The youth come from all five boroughs and are “young people of color who come from families who struggle economically” who are normally not offered enrichment activities outside of school.

Most shows are put on in the Bronx, Brooklyn, and Harlem, although many other
neighborhoods are very involved as well.
ASP relies on the “Talented Volunteers” volunteer program. Anyone can volunteer,
performing a variety of duties such as: working in the theatre to help with
productions, recruiting young performers, and organizing special events.
Who benefits from ASP:
“What distinguishes them from other performing arts youth programs is that they are not focused on the ʻtalented 2 percent,ʼ but rather on the ʻbottom 98 percentʼ—the tens of thousands of ordinary kids from devastated neighborhoods who donʼt make it into special programs and who the schools, by and large, give up on.” (

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