Research Assignment

Instructions for Research Project Assignment

The research assignment asks you to work collectively with a group of your peers to imagine a “solution” to a current “problem” facing our city. Each research team will examine the effects of gentrification on a specific New York City neighborhood and make a specific proposal on how to improve the impact these effects are having on the dynamics of the neighborhood.

First, your team will need to create a profile of the neighborhood. This profile will help you identify the effects the forces of gentrification have had on the neighborhood over the last decades. Secondly, your team will need to identify a specific “problem” resulting from these forces. Once your team has done so, the team will need to conduct further research to identify the best “solution” to this “problem.” Your final paper will also need to identify potential intended and unintended consequences of your proposed “solution.”

You will be assigned to a team with five members. Your team will need to make two in-class oral presentations as well as a presentation at the CUNY-wide conference on May 6th and 7h. Seventy percent of your final grade for this assignment will be based on your individual contribution to your group and thirty percent of your grade will be based on your group’s collective performance.

Below are due dates associated with the research project. These dates are important. They are designed to keep your team on-track to producing a successful project.

Suggested Timeline for Research Project

  • Feb. 9: Research Teams will be chosen
  • April 6: Preliminary Research Team presentations in class
  • April 27: Research Team Presentations in class
  • May 6 and 7: CUNY-wide Conference
  • May 28: 20-page research paper due by 3:30 PM