a macaulay honors seminar taught by prof. gaston alonso

ITF Guide: Citing Sources & Embedding Media Written by Alexis Carrozza, ITF

Screenshot of Front Page Slider options. Credit: Alexis Carrozza.

A note about the Featured Image

This website’s theme offers the option to create a slider of recent posts. As you can tell from the options (left), these are auto-generated from posts with a Featured Image. Make sure your post can be included!

Adding a Featured Image

As mentioned in an email sent to the class, our seminar site’s theme (style) requires posts to have a visual element called a Featured Image. A featured image can be a screenshot of a video, an image or map that’s included in your source; at last resort, feel free to use one of the Macaulay logos in the Media Library.

To add a Featured Image, click the “Add Media” button, you’ll notice some options listed in the left sidebar of the upload page. (If your image isn’t uploaded, then upload it.)

You can resize image files to fit the 250 pixel width with the Preview application on your laptop. After opening the image in Preview then edit using “Tools” > “Edit Size.”

The above screenshots were embedded by choosing the “Create Gallery” option then clicking the two image files and inserting into the post.