NY Landmark Ideas?

Have an idea for the Study Guide assignment? Remember you can post your ideas here to get feedback and maybe find partner(s). Just categorize your posts appropriately. And email me if you have questions!

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About Jenny Kijowski

Jenny Kijowski is a Ph.D. candidate in English at The Graduate Center of The City University of New York, where she has a certificate in Film Studies and is working on a certificate in Interactive Technology & Pedagogy. She is also an Instructional Technology Fellow at central Macaulay Honors College, having formerly been an ITF at Brooklyn College. Prior to becoming an ITF, Jenny taught composition and literature courses at Queens College and BMCC as a Graduate Teaching Fellow. Her dissertation examines gender, nationalism and the literature of trauma. She lives in Brooklyn with her husband, two children (twins Nico and Luca), and another sort of child, a pit bull named Iggy.

2 thoughts on “NY Landmark Ideas?

  1. jairamganpat

    1) James Weldon Johnson Residence – Harlem home of African-American artist-activist James Weldon Johnson. He led the NAACP.
    2) 69th Regiment Armory – The watershed Armory Show of 1913 took place here , which introduced America to modern art.
    3) Jackie Robinson’s house – Jackie Robinson broke the color line in America’s favorite pastime which contributed significantly to the civil rights movement.

    Do any of these fit the bill for this assignment or are they already too well known?

  2. ealterman

    Those are all excellent ideas. Thanks for posting them.

    Ive been to many events at the Armory. I don’t think they are set up to explain their role in the armory show, though if they were, I’d love to make that something we studied.

    Jackie R is a terrific idea, and has the advantage of being about Brooklyn,

    One of the best documentaries I’ve ever seen in my life about anything is one that was made for HBO about the Dodgers. So my immediate inclination would be to say, “Let’s do Jackie R”and watch this documentary in class. What do people think of that idea?
    There are no openings for either the Daily Show or Colbert anytime soon.

    But Jazz at LC would also be great.

    I don’t know anything about Mr. Johnson

    Reactions, people?

    And thanks again


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