All Nations Under Heaven.

Today New York is viewed as a diverse city composed of many different cultural and ethnic groups. It is known as the city that never sleeps. People are constantly moving about in order to accomplish various tasks. New York is also well known for its economical background. In All Nations Under Heaven, the author depicts how multiple cultures migrate from their hometown to a different colony. The various groups of people moved for many reasons. For example, the Dutch were interested in the economical opportunity that the fur trade provided. The “profitable trading venture and competing English claims to the territory” made the Netherlands a desired land. Another reason why people moved to this new colony was because it was “tolerant of religious refugees, ethnic and linguistic minorities, or political exiles.” To the European population, this far away land was promising of a better future. Various groups of people continued to migrate to this new world and eventually set up a flourishing colony which in many ways reflects in the way we live and prosper today.

Even though many issues evolved with the settling and mixing of cultural backgrounds, each group learned to stand up for what they believed in and overcame each challenge. This allowed for the colony to function and prosper. As a result everyone was able to live together peacefully overcoming their differences and problems such as religion and segregation. This directly impacted and formulated the world in which we live in today that is viewed as a cultural mix especially in New York.



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