City of Ambition

Roosevelt’s relationship with LaGuardia came as a surprise to me since I once did a paper on Roosevelt and found no mention of the work they did together but it seems only logical since both politicians came from NY.  Another aspect that stood out to me was how the two were able to get past party politics and work together. Something that is hard to imagine in modern day politics, perhaps a major crises is necessary for that to happen.  It was also fascinating to see how a national crises like the great depression created an opportunity for progressive thinkers like Roosevelt and LaGuardia, turns out one mans lose really is another mans gain.

Williams also talks about how Roosevelt channeled more money into NYC than into any other local government. Is a policy like this justifiable or just an example of how politically skilled LaGuardia was? While the work that was created by public works projects in NYC definitely revitalized the city I am skeptical about how helpful these projects were in terms of creating better city infrastructure.


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