City of Ambition P2

Part Two of William’s City of Ambition focuses mainly on the New Deal, put into motion by FDR. Having learned about this in the past, I was excited to see how William would portray these facts and learn more about the details and history behind the New Deal. While I had heard of the many letter organizations that were founded to aid in Roosevelt’s plan, I found it interesting to see how they intertwined and overlapped or contrasted in policy and effectiveness. Roosevelt described his plan to relieve America from the Great Depression in three steps: Relief, Recovery, and Reform. While these programs, such as PWA, CCC, CWA, helped to relieve some Americans by providing jobs and help recovery on a small scale, they also worked to improve city infrastructure and environments. After learning about the close relationship between FDR and LaGuardia, it occurred to me that maybe New York was given a little more assistance in these programs from Washington, and my hunch was somewhat correct. However, I’m not sure if it was especially beneficial to New York or America as a whole. If the funds were split more evenly, would it have made it more effective or less? Was the money spent wisely?

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