City of Ambition Pt. 3

The last section of City of Ambition discussed La Guardia’s role in WWII, and the aftermath of the war, and La Guardia’s legacy. Ii also touched upon the racial divisions that existed in the years before WWII and the New Deal’s effect on the minorities. I was really surprised to learn that La Guardia, although opposed to segregation, felt that it wasn’t government’s role to end it, but it was the decision of the citizens to put a stop to it, and the government to enforce that decision. Although I can understand the logic in La Guardia’s reasoning, as he is an elected official by the people, for the people, I can’t comprehend why he would take such a stand. Elected officials have the power to bring change, locally, or nationally. Therefore, isn’t is Mayor La Guardia’s duty to bring racism to an end?

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