City of Ambitions Part 3

After finishing this book, I thought back to LaGuardia’s overall persona and his actions throughout his personal and political career. It didn’t surprise me when Roosevelt offered the directorship of the COD to LaGuardia, however it did surprise me that he had permitted him to remain both as mayor and sit in on Cabinet meetings. Immediately after reading this, I was concerned that maybe this would be too much for the Little Flower to handle- it was. Also, I questioned the motives behind Roosevelt’s choosing Little Flower and the effect this would have on their complicated relationship. Nearing the end of LaGuardia’s political career, he loses control and it seems a slight ego gets the best of him, which is unfortunate. Although his mayoral terms in NYC and his overall political career had some flaws, he wasn’t well known for being simply ordinary, after all, an airport is named after him.

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