All the Nations Under Heaven

After reading “All the Nations Under Heaven”, I was surprised to learn about things in New York City that I had never known before. One being how difficult the Irish had it! I thought the Irish were considered white and didn’t really face any discrimination, but that was completely false in the 1800’s. They suffered from extreme poverty and racial discrimination because of how they lived and where they came from and had to fight to finally be able to live up to the American dream, something I feel every immigrant that comes to America goes through. I look up to the Germans because all though they did have a small advantage when migrating to New York they were able to succeed and keep their culture an important part of their lives. Whether it was through the several German newspapers they published or the contributions to New York culture they made through theater and other works of art. While reading I realized that when coming to America, more specifically New York, these different cultures were given freedom and opportunities that was unheard of from where they came from and as a result New York became a blank slate where new ideas were introduced and brought in to action and as a result led to it being the successful metropolis that it is.

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