The Opportunities of the Depression?

I found it quite interesting that it was the Great Depression that “moved La Guardia from the margins to the mainstream” by creating a forum for more progressive thoughts. This is most striking because one doesn’t associate what is commonly considered a tragedy with the opportunities created by Progressivism. It seems that without an event as drastic as the Great Depression, La Guardia would never have had a situation well-enough suited to make moves in Congress such as having his ideas for anti-injunction bills finally passed.


Concerning the Great Depression, I also was very intrigued to find that Roosevelt had believed so firmly in betterment through the relocation of the masses from urban areas to those that were more rural. I find this most interesting because though it makes sense, I don’t understand how he would have chosen who to relocate and who should stay in the city. I feel this theory, though hypothetically sound, would have failed if executed to its full potential. As the text cites, there is an inherent “practical difficulty” in the governmentally-driven relocation of a large group of individuals.

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