City of Ambition–Final Thoughts

I found “City of Ambition” to be a rather eye-opening book. Apart from learning a lot about FDR and La Guardia’s companionship and positions in office, this book made me think about politics today and how it is different and similar to politics in the 30s. In the 30s, it seemed like politicians like FDR and La Guardia were much more concerned with economy support and social programs than politicians are today, which is alarming. So much attention is payed to smaller social issues such as abortion, gay marriage, gun rights, and birth control. While these issues must be dealt with and are important, I feel as though there are larger issues that the US needs to take care of first; such as increasing job growth, making health care affordable, and stimulating the economy in different ways. It’s so great to read about someone as strong as FDR leading our country, which is the role I think the president needs to take. Obama, though he is trying, does not seem to have the same vigor and persistence that someone like FDR did. This could largely be due to the bipartisan struggle he faces whenever he tries to get anything done, but it’s a bit disappointing to see the minuscule, if any, growth in our economy since 2008’s market crisis.

I think New York City would also benefit from having another mayor like La Guardia. Hopefully Bill de Blasio will take a note or two from La Guardia and focus on affordable housing and safe infrastructure, because these are some of the most pressing issues facing out city today.

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