On Tuesday, Liz and I went to the zoo. This is a series of photos I’d like to name, “Making Friends with Animals (Because We Don’t Have Any Other)”


Us, at the rainforest exhibit which had beautiful tucans and other tropical birds, and seriously creepy tarantulas (which I did not go see). But the best part of it was definitely the simulated waterfall.

Liz, making friends with unknown furry animal. The zoo had a bunch of different animals just running around, scampering out of the different animal inclosures, and giving tourists the beady eye. We still don’t know what they are called.

The one thing this image does not capture is that the llamas were spitting furiously at us. Do not be fooled by their fuzzy exterior.

Liz and yet another furry unknown animal. They have these oversize heads that are too big for their bodies, spindly deer legs, and the biggest black eyes. I wanted to pick one up, tuck it under my arm, and run away with it back to New York.


This emu followed us around giving us the same intense look of hunger he is giving the camera.

I have more pictures of the actual animals (there were three peacocks and one peahen strutting around the park!) but I’ll save those for later (aka Facebook).

Coming Attractions: San Telmo, the Estancia, and Argentinean cowboys!