Website Project

You need to make two things for this project:

1) A website for your stop.
2) A marker with a label for your stop on the shared ‘D Train’ Google map.

Making a website for your stop

1. Sign in to Macaulay Eportfolios.
2. Create the URL and title for your site (remember, the URL is permanent, the title can be changed whenever you want).
3. Choose a theme (*TBA pending class discussion*)
4. Create pages for different aspects of your neighborhood’s story, e.g.
– Demographics
– Street life
– Social issues
5. Keep in mind tech fair Qs: Who is the audience for this site? How is a website different from a paper?
6. Use photo, video, mapping, links, and plugins (e.g. photo galleries, timelines) strategically.
7. Meet with Owen during office hours, send him an email, or search WordPress support forums for help.
8. Create the menu (the specific content and formatting that will appear online) for your site: Appearance > Menus > Pages > Add to Menu > Save Menu.
9. Take a look through your site and make sure it looks as you want it to.

Making your stop’s marker on the Google map

Password: bearcats

1. Name your marker: Stop name first, borough name second (e.g. Coney Island – Stillwell Ave, Brooklyn).
2. Include the following information in your marker’s label:
– Average income
– Ethnic community
– Memorable quote(s)
– Original photograph
Link to your site

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About Owen Toews

I am a PhD candidate in Geography at the CUNY Graduate Center where I research neoliberalism, settler colonialism, and the production of space. In past years I taught Urban Life 101 and Urban Revitalization in the department of Urban Affairs and Planning at Hunter College. I am a founding member of the DIY museum collective Winnipeg Arcades Project, where we experiment with different ways of combining knowledge and artistic production and display.

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