
Miar Elaskandrany

Art F City is a modern technological world meets contemporary art blog, mostly based in New York City. This blog is very appealing because it provides insight on modern pieces of art that might not seem so conventional. It is run by a board of members who have an array of specialties including marketing, law, web development and most importantly critiquing art. Marsha Owett, the president, is an established artist and has employed four editors that write the pieces on the blog. Each of these editors has a long history in the art world, clearly shown in their writing pieces.

At first glance, one might notice the generic Windows background as the layout which is quite comical because this blog is truly tech savvy. The most recent articles are posted in order with clear, inviting titles and large photos. Despite the colorful background, the black, white and pink font colors establish some simplicity not to distract the reader from the art. The website includes pictures, gifs and videos which combines contemporary and technological art. The attitude of the whole blog is definitely geared towards a youthful group. It shares a certain level of sophistication that appeals mostly to teens and young adults.

The navigation bar at the top of the screen next to block letters that spell out ARTFCITY has the basic pages one might want to view. However, the ‘Features’ page adds entertainment to the blog because viewers can click on archives that compile ways of viewing art that most critics do not. One archive is labeled STUFF where people who might ‘have trouble understanding artists through their art’ can look at the items these artists cherish. Similarly, WE WENT TO compiles articles where the editors ‘talk about art like normal people.’

Not only do the editors focus on art pieces in New York but they also observe the culture central to where the art is located. We Went to Soho: Soho Art and Vietnamese Food describes art located in Soho like Pieter Vermersch but then they go on to talk about a Vietnamese restaurant nearby with really good food. The article is written as a conversation piece between the editors with commentary from the writer as well. Some articles expand to urban communities in other states showcasing different exhibitions with varying art styles. The idea that an art blog could be about more than just art, like culture, is enjoyable.

Art F City definitely encapsulates modern art and expression which many can relate to. It is therefore critiqued in an alluring way without intimidating readers. The blog provides an overall experience with an interactive level for the viewer, allowing them to go out and see the art for themselves.