at Brooklyn College with Professor Jennifer Ball

Blog Review: Doodlers Anonymous

The blog that I found is called Doodlers Anonymous. Rather than having one writer, it is an open forum based blog, which allows anyone to contribute posts (similar to our class website). The site was founded in 2008 by an artist who goes by OKAT. Doodlers Anonymous is purely geared for people to share their doodles with others, which is what stands out most to me. I first found this blog off one of those lists of “Top Art Blogs to Follow”, and once I clicked the link to the site I knew that it was a unique one.

Though clearly an informal blog, it still maintains a sense of organization with the menu and drop down options. You can see plenty of pictures before you even expand the article, each post including multiple photos of the art it showcases. Speaking of showcases; Doodlers Anonymous includes different opportunities for its viewers to enter their work and win different contests. Showcases (the contests) happen every once in a while, but there are posts on a fairly regular basis – one every two to three days by different guest contributors.

Due to the fact that the sole purpose of the blog was to have a hub for those who dabble in doodles, it offers a lot to those who are interested. There are even resources for those who are less artistically inclined, such as coloring books, which feature doodles by contemporary artists that you can color in yourself.

I find Doodlers Anonymous to be very user-friendly, with navigation tools both on the top and bottom of the webpage as well as the links to all their social media accounts as well. The placement of their media is a good source of marketing, both for their coloring books and just general bringing awareness to their site. Of course there are still advertisements, but they don’t distract from the aesthetic of the blog itself which is appreciated.

Whilst perusing the site, there’s a nifty little “Share” option at the bottom of each post and you can see how many shares each post has received . Some do better than others, naturally, but overall the blog seems to get a steady amount of views and shares for each post. Each post can vary between different art mediums, such as graphic design, sketches, paintings, painting on eggs, etc. However, the central similarity that ties them together is the posts involve doodles. Comments are rare but when they’re made it’s either constructive criticism or encouraging praise.

All in all, there’s nothing I would change about this blog. It’s not only helpful for those who aspire to make art a part of their lives, but also acts as a central location for them to be exposed to other like-minded people who have the same general interests.

-Julia Duze

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