Roseann Weick – Medieval Poem

The Unicorn in Captivity (from the Unicorn Tapestries)

Ye ole’ steward oft swoon for sweet maiden,

May she doth not care for he as he for her.

She proclaimed, “make leave, sirrah, for I love thee not.”

Young fool, unawares of fair lady’s declaration, bid

Ye maiden “prithee, we meet thither, near yonder fields?”


Lovely maiden ne’r heard poor steward’s request.

He decreed, “I will see thee anon,” and off he fled to

The meadow oft filled with the sweetest of flowers.

Daft fellow awaited ye chaste lass in blissful blindness,

Ne’r wise to see his love would not follow.


As fair damsel dwelled in stronghold,

Gleeful steward remained in yonder field and queried,

“Verily, it is so my love doth forgot. Methinks not cruelly and I

Shall await upon her arrival.” And thither ole’ naïve boy sat for

Ages to come. In splendid state, in love, attending fair maiden.


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