Andrew Zagelbaum – Mozart’s letters

The name “Mozart,” is one that is not only used today, but will continue to be used for generations to come. The genius that is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, was a world-wide known artist, whose music is still known today. Through The Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart we are able to see what the life of Mozart was like in his younger days.

The artist Mozart lived a life that is unknown to many people today. Everyone knows his name, most people know his music, but not many people know of the life of Mozart. He lived a life most people wouldn’t assume he had. Unfortunately, most of Mozart’s life was in fact lived in poverty. In his letters, it is clear that he was very much in need of money, and was willing to ask anyone for the money.

It’s difficult to have a grasp on the life he lived, because most people would assume otherwise of him. In my own personal opinion, I thought that he would have lived a life of wealth and luxury. I would feel as though the life of one of the world’s greatest artist would have been one of ease. The world in which Mozart lived and the world in which we live today have completely different views on the musician. Where as today he would be viewed as a musical genius who’s career started at a very young age, in his own time it can be seen that he wasn’t as praised.

His under appreciation at the time is very evident through the letters he sent out. He asked family, friends, and peers for compensation for what he would provide musically. Unfortunately, as previously stated, the world he lived in did not view him as we do today.

Music, much like other forms of media, is not as popular in its own day as it is in the days to come. Some of the most amazing artists known today were frowned upon in their own time. Art, whether it be visual or audible, is a timed factor. If it’s not popular at the time it’s produced, it will be eventually. Art, however, is beginning to catch up with modern day. More and more artists are coming out to show what they can do, and modern day society is beginning to appreciate it. There’s a revolution going on in the art world, where traditional and conservative pieces are matched up against the art that is being created today. With these new works coming out, there is hope for the artistic world to come.

Mozart experienced this with his interactions with family members and peers. He even had to beg his own brother for money to compensate for his career. Now, his music is heard, as well as praised, across the entire world. Without these letters, I’m sure that most people wouldn’t assume this was the lifestyle of Wolfgang Mozart, but the primary sources speak for themselves.  Without reading these primary sources, Mozart is praised as a name from history.

Along with names like Bach and Beethoven, there’s Mozart. Legends in the history of composition, and yet their social lives mean nothing to us. Mozart teaches us, if anything, that regardless of the compensation we receive from the society around us, we should keep doing whatever it is we do. Our passions are more important than our impression on those observing us, and who knows…maybe one day we will truly be appreciated for whatever it is that we do. Mozart not only left behind works of art, but also a legacy that will be remembered as inspirational, which is what he ultimately deserved from society.

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