The Truth Behind The Fame: Mozart’s Letters

Joshua Sloan

In the contemporary world, people idolize musicians and constantly wish they had the life of those celebrities. As children we all dreamed to be one of the popular musical artists, although we refused to see the human aspect of their lives. Fame doesn’t necessarily translate to happiness and a life of fulfillment. Mozart’s letters truly illustrate this point, and depict the monetary and familial struggles Mozart dealt with throughout his entire life.

Mozart’s letters were generally fashioned in an obsequious nature: he would constantly beg people for patronage – whether it was for a contract of sorts to help secure him financially, or just blatant begging. Although this aspect of Mozart’s life generally goes unnoticed, it cannot be disputed as fact; people have difficulty transcending the preconceptions they have of famed artists, and accepting the reality of life.

Although people will read these letters and immediately disparage Mozart for his sycophancy, we must understand that Mozart was financially burdened, and the actions he took were in order to preserve his life and the life of his family. It’s difficult to see revered composers out of the limelight, but we must also recognize that due to his begging, he was able to create an environment where he could compose masterpieces.

Purely from the letters between Mozart and his wife, we see that there was tender intimacy coupled with concision. Despite the amorous relationship extrapolated from Mozart’s letters, it is hard to reconcile the briefness of the letters. If you compare the extensive letters written to friends and those written to his wife, it is evident where his true passion lied: in music.

Although most people hear the name Mozart and think of success, happiness, and a life of fulfillment, Mozart’s letters portray a diametrically opposite picture. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart lived a life of recluse and poverty, although he did everything in his power – no matter how humbling it may have been- to persist through the hard times and create music that will eternally affect peoples’ lives. Through Mozart’s struggles and sacrifices, we are graced with his art, and a look into the reality of fame.

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