Andrew Zagelbaum – Romantic Short Story

Before me stood a massive figure, with hair so gray it seemed to suck the happiness out of the environment.  His eyes were open so wide, it seemed as though they would never blink.  He consumed his sons, one at a time, tearing their flesh apart as the blood of his victim streams down its body.  I walk up to the terrifying sight, as he tears the arm off of its body.  I ask him, “Who are you?”

“My name is Saturn,” he replied, “and I am here to devour my sons.”

“But why are you devouring your sons?” I would then ask, as his hands clenched the back of his victim so tightly you can hear the bones cracking within.

“The throne is mine,” he boldly stated, “and no son of mine will ever come to replace me.”  He started to chew the flesh of his victim, almost as if he enjoyed the taste of his own son.  He never blinked.

He then went on to tell me of his life as a titan.   He, in fact, dethroned his own father, only to live in fear of his own actions.  He took a pause from his snack, and looked down upon me.  Fear was stricken in his eyes, as he grew paranoid of being replaced.  I ran as fast as I could, while he grabbed his infamous sickle that he used to slay Uranus, the father who preceded him.

As I sprinted away from this gigantic figure, I looked for safety wherever it may be found.  Eventually, I found a building in which I found a woman, who’s identity was never made clear.  She handed me a wrapped gift, and told me to use it to my advantage.

I wondered what was in the wrapping, but there was no time to spare.  Those giant legs began to chase towards me once again, and so I continued to run away.  He drew nearer and nearer and I started to feel hopeless.  What was I to do?

I then handed the wrapping to Saturn, simply hoping for the best.  When I readied myself for what I assumed to be my end, I looked at the wrapping to see a face on it, staring back at me lifelessly.  The woman had made the wrapping to look like a baby, even though it seemed to have no more than a few stones within it.

I inhaled what could have been my last breath, and handed to baby-like wrapping to Saturn.  He stared for a while, in a daze that could have been either confusion or shock.  Either way, he was unsuspecting of what was just handed to him.

“Agh!” he proclaimed.  “My latest son, we shall call him Zeus.”

It was then that Saturn let the tiny wrapping slide into his mouth where he spared no time chewing.  In one massive gulp he swallowed the bag of rocks, and then turned his gaze back to me.

“What have you done?” he asked.  It was then that the woman from earlier reappeared.  She soon explained who she was and what she had done.  She was Rhea, wife of Saturn, and she wanted to protect the children she would give birth too.  Furious from Saturn’s selfish actions, she hid the real child that would grow up to be Zeus, and fed Saturn a couple of stones, which inevitably tore at his insides, making him suffer before his untimely death.  It was at this moment, that Zeus would replace his father, Saturn, at the throne.


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