Roseann Weick – Romantic Short Story

Springtime (1873) by Pierre-Auguste Cot, French

In the most abundant and green of gardens, on the tallest of trees, hangs a swing. On this particular spring day in the woods, I see a young couple enjoying a carefree day atop the swing. The moment is made clear and brought to life by the glowing morning light focusing on the pair. I wait in the shadow of the tree so as to not disturb their outing. Surrounding the couple is the flourishing foliage awakening to the warmth of springtime. Small remnants of flowers begin to bloom at the lovers’ feet. Butterflies stir and flutter their wings in the springtime radiance. After a long winter, the nature around begins to rouse from its frozen slumber and excitingly wakes to experience the new ventures springtime brings. The swing seat hangs suspended by two ropes, which I cannot even see for they are harnessed to concealed branches in the profuse woodland. As the young boy holds tightly to the swing ropes, I notice the young maiden clinging to her lover’s neck – completely entranced by his company. Just as the flora, the young couple awaits for the joys spring brings for them. They seem completely unaware of my presence, or of anything else in the woodlands for that matter.

The innocent couple stares longingly into one another’s eyes. With the regrowth of spring also comes the rekindling of first love. I overhear their recounting of this morning’s adventure when this playful duo fled to the forest together to enjoy a lighthearted day. They dropped all other responsibilities to spend the entire spring day with one another and away from the rest of the world. They have no other care then to be together in peace. The young girl exclaims her happiness to have found this swing comfortable for two, which she describes as such an idealistic, romantic spot to rest. In their moments of silence, I observe the maiden gaping devotedly into her lover’s eyes and smiling kindly to meet the boy’s protective gaze. I detect in the maid almost a cunning eagerness as she gawks at the lad. Such a longing must only signify the young girl’s desires to be with the boy forever and relish in her love for him. The two lovers, although not of age, are passionate and faithful in their relationship. I hear them delight in flirtatious banter, professing their love for one another and taking any opportunity to look into one another’s eyes. They talk of a full life together, their everlasting love, and their happiness to have each other in their lives. They cherish one another’s company. I listen as they confess their gratitude in having found such an idyllic, all-encompassing love. They laugh amongst themselves in the shelter of their love.

Utterly smitten, the pair relish in what fate holds for their pure adoration. The light strikes the scenery and enlightens the possible future for this couple. Springtime brings renewal and a chance of new beginnings. The infatuated children see happy promises for their romance. As do the blossoms of spring regrow each year, so does love. As the couple begins to stir from their peaceful spring day seat to return home, I know they will savor this afternoon, which fortified their eternal love. Despite the length of time sitting in this one spot, I note how they are still lost in each other’s gaze. In this springtime moment, only they matter. The warmth and serenity of this spring day strengthen their love. Such a day as this is sure to never be forgotten by the couple or myself. Love takes you by surprise and takes full control, leaving one unable to live without it. The young couple is sure their love will never die.


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